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BP-HC Rivalry





  • A certain member of the HC put the following in their buddy profile:

The #1 reason why you don't wanna be in the BP
Their motto is "prepare to be raped!" Seeing that the halo playing people are dominately guys, doesn't that make them gay?

  • I have recieved numerous phone calls, emails, etc. from concerned BP fans that this assumption is very offensive. Many people do not fully understand the point of this thoughtless remark, so let me make it more clear. The point this person was attempting (and doing a poor job in) to make was that since our clan motto is "prepare to get RAPED", that we actually intend to rape our opponents. This is definatly not so, it is NOT to be taken literally. If you are too immature to understand this, my apologies.
  • The BP's official themesong is ...haha, we had you going! You actually think we would be gay enough to have a theme song, i mean sorry guys were not THAT queer!
  • Because of the success of the BP and the HC,  many smaller, less-skilled Halo clans are being formed, primarily at Woodrow Wilson Middle School. Word on the street is, the clan formed by Alex Shamy are the top dogs right as of now...stay tuned for more on that.
  • I have recently put up movies to watch on the Downloads/Links page. You simply need to click on them to play them, if you have Windows Media Player 9. For most movies, they will play on the left side of your screen, but if you want you can click "settings" and "play in default player" to watch it in the normal mode. If any of the movies do not work, email me.
  • There is a new cartoon on the Cartoons page, which demonstrates the low-down, dirty tactics of the HC.
  • We have recieved word that the next BP vs. HC match will be Friday, December 19th.
  • A new cartoon has been "cartoon" isnt quite the word. Aiden's realistic masterpiece is more of "piece of art" than a cartoon. Go see it for yourself.
  • This just in! The HC LOVES the cock!
  • In other related stories, You buisnesses that sell Butt plugs, i am ass-uming that your buisness has been sky rocketing ever since we came into the Raping buisness, so for all of you Butt plug sales men............Your Welcome.
  • A new picture has been put up. It is a well done backside view of The Mike Shot. Created by Alex, edited by Mike.
  • Another new cartoon has been added.
  • The site is going under some construction. BP colored scrollbars are being put in (thanks john) and there will be other changes added as well.
  • I have moved the links to a different page, and only put up two. This is because thats pretty much all you need to go to. I also did this to make room for more movies. A "Halo National Championships" video was put on, and more will be put on soon.
  • I finally added Alex Shamys player profile. He is our "5th man" and mostly sits bench but is on hand to step in if any player cannot make the match. He is extremely skilled at boom boom and has some not-to-be-overlooked BG skills.
  • There are some small rumors about a new Halo clan rising up at PH. As of right now, it is Ben Varney, Stuart Canada, Travis Bittle (The HC's Logan Bittle's older brother) and Austin Cole. "Dr. Death" is the name i've heard.
  • BIG NEWS: after much debate, the two clans have decided to chill out a bit. No more hating, we all got a little too pissed, and have since decided to keep the same teams, but just chill out a little. Because of this, i will no longer be updating this site.